You may have noticed at the end of every tip Tuesday I use the phrase STAY SAFE, STAY INSPIRED, STAY STITCHING , this phrase is by far my favourite, especially during these unique time we’re currently living in. In this blog post, I would like to share with your my meaning behind the phrase.
Stay Safe
Its very important that we keep safe, especially during theses unique times and in general too.
Stay inspired
This is the main reason I do my tip Tuesday videos, to keep you INSPIRED! By sharing my knowlege and passion with you, I fulfil my mission.
Stay Stitching
Well, lets face it any form of stitching whether it be by hand or machine is super relaxing. It’s also a great way to enjoy our spare time, all while creating something special for ourselves or someone we love!
Be sure to tune in every week for my Tip Tuesday Learn something new and be inspired!
you can find my house of Jackson weekly tip Tuesday on Facebook and instagram under House of Jackson
Stay safe, Stay inspired, Stay stitching ~ Jackson